Ayala Choir’s comeback to the stage


Instagram: @ahsayalachoir

Sayee Deshmukh

After nearly 2 years in quarantine and 1 year in distance learning, the Ayala choir is finally able to perform again in-person. The thrill and buzz amongst choir students and others alike after being confined to their homes, now able to perform and practice in person again made this year’s October concert all the more exhilarating.

For sophomores, it meant finally getting to perform on campus, something that unfortunately was unavailable to them during distance learning and quarantine mandated restrictions.

“I’m super excited to perform at Ayala,” sophomore and soprano two Hailee Gapasin Flores said, “the last time I actually performed was in middle school at Ayala’s benefit concert but now I get to perform in my dress with the other girls in womens [ensemble] and its super cool.”

Many sophomores felt that they were robbed of their freshman year, feeling frustration for the situation at hand, however, understanding of the mandates that came with the pandemic.

“As a sophomore, I feel like my first performance in choir was very long awaited!” sophomore and soprano one Ariana Morales said, “after suffering through online performances, it is such a giant privilege we have to be able to sing together in the same room.”

On the other hand, returning choir students feel grateful to be back in person again, feeling the same passion they had for the program they once did pre-distance learning.

“It feels amazing to perform in person again,” senior and men’s ensemble representative Amanuel Tilahun said, “it is always more fun and makes it easier to sing with others, and everyone’s morale is brought up at the same time!”

Choir students were preparing routinely for the performance, as it was the first choir performance of the year, meaning that it is absolutely crucial to be prepared to perform. The students used different methods in order to ensure their readiness for the concert.

“I’ve been resting my voice and getting plenty of sleep,” Gapasin Flores said.

“To prepare for the performance, I’ve been practicing my music and making sure I know my music by heart!” Morales said.

“I’ve been taking care of my voice by drinking lots of tea and making sure I work on my technique so I don’t hurt my voice,” Tilahun said.

Although many are excited for the students, some felt a hint of anxiety towards the event.

“I was nervous for the concert because I was not sure how it would go,” Gapasin Flores said.

Although some students may have been filled with anxiety, some have tried to remind themselves and others that their worries are not necessary, and that everything would run smoothly.

“Everyone feels nervous for a performance, especially their first one,” Tilahun said, “I just make sure to remind myself that I have worked hard and I am performing with people that I have grown to appreciate.”

Choir was very appreciative of all that came out to see them perform, encouraging all to try and sign up for tickets, which didn’t cost any fees.

“Personally, I like to guilt trip people into buying tickets,” Morales said, “If you don’t come to support us, you don’t love me enough”.