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Ayala welcomes a new deputy officer: Deputy Ace

Deputy Ace strives to protect everybody within the school and bring a sense of safety among the students. His role is to make sure that the parents realize that their students are safe while at school.
Deputy Ace strives to protect everybody within the school and bring a sense of safety among the students. His role is to make sure that the parents realize that their students are safe while at school.
Annika Lim

Recently Ayala has hired a new deputy officer, Deputy Matthew “Ace” Aceves.  With a background of working in the Sheriff’s Department since 2013, Deputy Ace aims to protect everyone in our school whether student or staff with all his power.

Deputy Ace has been wanting to protect and help others since he was little, and coming to Chino Hills to work at Ayala has given him this chance to help those in his home community. 

“I felt like when I got of age and when I was looking for a job where I could do something in that field, I realized being a police officer is the best way to do that,” Ace said. 

Ayala has been using deputies for a long time and they have played a great role in protecting the teachers, staff, and students within the school. 

“A great law-enforcement on campus is going to deter people from doing things and bringing things they shouldn’t bring to school,” Vice Principal Mr. James Newcomb said. “They additionally provide support to every student and staff.”

While the role of deputies may go unnoticed, the campus deputies and sheriffs have a large responsibility to campus protection. Even though it may seem like they do similar things, there is a big difference between the two positions.

“A security officer does not have police law-enforcement powers, while a deputy or a cop has police power where they can arrest people,” Ace said. 

Security Officer Jason Wiley said that working with Deputy Ace has been an amazing experience so far and you can really see his dedication towards protecting this school.

“It’s been great working with him and since he is an alumni of Ayala, we don’t have to worry too much about letting him know where to go and what to do because he knows the school grounds,” Wiley said. “He has made a big impact throughout this school because he is always willing to lend a helping hand to everyone around.”

Deputy officers are not just an Ayala thing. Deputies have been placed by our Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) at each school. 

“The school district CVUSD placed a SRO (School Resource Officer) everywhere,” Newcomb said. “Chino High School has a SRO from the Chino PD (Police Department) and we have a SRO from the San Bernardino county of sheriffs.”

Ever since serious and possibly dangerous events have been occurring, deputies have become mandatory in all schools and even public spaces. 

“Ayala has always had a SRO as far as I know even when I went here a long time ago and they’ve always had one and it’s 100% to keep the kids safe and to ensure people coming and going are documented,” Ace said.

Not only do deputies help protect the school, they also protect everyone and everything within. As Deputy Ace has stepped into the new role of being a deputy, he is aiming to bring a sense of safety while students are at school and to bring up positive changes around it.

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