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Boys Varsity Tennis gains a win in their recent game

Ayala took on Upland High School in their most recent Varsity Tennis game.
Ayala took on Upland High School in their most recent Varsity Tennis game.
Marijose Rodriguez via. Canva

On Monday, February 24, Ayala’s Boys Varsity Tennis team went up against Upland High School in a successful match.

This game was one of the first games of the season and Ayala came prepared to make sure and score a win. During their home game, Ayala won the game with the winning score being 11-7. This win will help motivate the Ayala Boys Varsity Tennis team to continue to try and gain more wins as their season starts.

The next Ayala Boys Varsity Tennis game will be on February 27 and it will be against Rowland High School in their home gym at 3:15 pm.

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