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What’s the best app for doom scrolling?

Among the myriads of apps best suited for doom scrolling, the three most prominent ones seem to be TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. The question begs: which one is the best?
Among the myriads of apps best suited for doom scrolling, the three most prominent ones seem to be TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. The question begs: which one is the best?
Lia Dimapasok

Whether your main source of dopamine is TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts (or, a secret fourth option, you’re a normal person who touches grass), you have probably at one point found yourself subject to the wonderful phenomenon that is called doom scrolling. Doom scrolling entails mindless scrolling through videos, posts, or news that can either be mildly entertaining or deeply distressing “ragebait.” You continuously try to reassure yourself, “just one more video,” and suddenly, three hours have passed, your essay is due in five minutes, and your thumb has developed a muscle memory of its own. And you can’t stop–not when another bout of dopamine is just a single scroll away. But which app in particular seems to be the most compelling when it comes to doom scrolling?

Obviously, TikTok would be the undisputed winner. Its algorithm is scarily good at figuring out exactly what will keep people scrolling for hours on end. It’s easy to lose hours on that app without even realizing it. 

“The algorithm on TikTok is way better than reels or YouTube shorts,” said Chloe ‘Coco’ Hong (10). “It’s like the app knows exactly what I need to see. I acknowledge that it’s probably not healthy, but I just really like having an app that has content catered to my exact liking.” 

Another strong contender, Instagram Reels, might not be as addictive as TikTok’s unique user experience, but it is certainly a worthy rival. Since the app also includes the rest of your basic Instagram experience, you might start out checking a friend’s story and suddenly find yourself 50 videos deep into animal rescue clips and recipe hacks. The only downside? The algorithm isn’t exactly as fine tuned as that of TikTok, so the content can sometimes feel repetitive or just plain weird. 

“Reels are my go to when I don’t want to actually commit to TikTok,” says Hannah Uesugi (10). “It feels like a lighter version of doom scrolling. I can still waste time, but at least this way, I convince myself it’s more casual because it’s not actually TikTok.” 

YouTube Shorts is probably one of the more underrated options, and while it doesn’t have the same level of engagement as TikTok or Instagram Reels, it benefits from the fact that YouTube has a large library of content. So, if you enjoy a mixture of quick dopamine hits and longer form content, YouTube Shorts might be your perfect middle ground. 

“I like that Shorts has a mix of funny clips and educational content,” said Jeree Apan (10). “One minute I’m watching a cat fall off a couch, and the next I’m learning about ancient civilizations. It’s the best of both worlds. I also just really enjoy how nice the community is compared to Reels or TikTok.” 

If you want the most effective, mind numbing doom scroll, TikTok without a doubt is your pick. If you prefer a slightly more integrated experience, Instagram Reels is a solid pick. YouTube Shorts is great for those who want a mix of short and long content. At the end of the day, the best doom scrolling app is whichever one keeps you up at night, staring at your screen long past your bedtime. Happy scrolling, or, you know, maybe go touch some grass.

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