[Poem] Tis Just a Moment…Once upon a starless midnight
Once upon a starless midnight, as I wandered, aimless in my plight:
Pondering over the burden of shadow.
whether to end the troubles or to undergo.
While I suffered, silent but screaming, suddenly someone was reaching
As of a light brightly shining, shining through a lonely door
But alas, I was only dreaming. I was no one, only a delusion and nothing more.
T’was only a gloomy December ever
but sorrow seeped and tortured me without reprieve.
Eagerly, I wished the end of my troubles;
futilely I placed my hope on the morrow but
Only the drink and the blade made time to borrow, not even the rise of the sun
nor the bliss of yarrow.
The whispers of every dying thought wrought upon my heart a deep shadow
A shadow never felt before
So to the thumping of my heart I muttered as if to a silent score.
“Tis just a moment and nothing more”
With every breath wrought with gasps, I sought to seek release from my sorrow
Crying out loud, spurred by my mind’s silent war
Shouting with an imagined roar
“Take this burden from me I implore!”