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Club Rush makes the most of a postponed opportunity

Stage Craft club officers set up a table with treats and a soundboard, demonstrating to passing students their essential role in creating sound effects for theater productions. From left to right: Devi Bhatt (12), Natalie Derona (12), and Jasmine Houde (12).
Stage Craft club officers set up a table with treats and a soundboard, demonstrating to passing students their essential role in creating sound effects for theater productions. From left to right: Devi Bhatt (12), Natalie Derona (12), and Jasmine Houde (12).
Nancy Wang

With temperatures hovering over 109 degrees Fahrenheit in recent weeks, many outdoor activities, including band practices and school events, have been postponed due to the intense heat waves. This includes the much-anticipated Club Rush, which was rescheduled from September 6 to September 13, to ensure students can participate comfortably.

Temperatures have been gradually decreasing and so on the day of club rush, many students were able to enjoy a sunny day with comfortable weather.

“Honestly, I think it was the best decision that could have been made,” Amnesty Club Officer Amanda Noguez (12) said. “I personally like it, because I don’t have to stand out in the heat and sweat.”

The opportunity to join clubs offers students a valuable chance to connect with others who share their interests and passions. Each club presents unique opportunities to develop new skills, take on leadership roles, and contribute to the school and local community. The rescheduled Club Rush provides a fresh opportunity for students to explore these options under much more pleasant weather.

“I think it’s pretty fun and it’s really interactive because all the clubs come out and they give stuff away, and it literally lets you see what [being in the club] is like,” Jalan Lee (10) said.

With more than 98 clubs participating this year, there is likely an ideal match for everyone. Whether a student is passionate about niche topics, sports, or technology, there are clubs that offer resources and opportunities to further these interests. Sometimes, the motivation for joining is simply to continue pursuing a passion beyond the classroom.

“I’m already in the theater class, so stagecraft [club] just makes more sense for me to join, and it’s just a big community when you’re in the theater,” Allison Salcido (10) said. 

At Club Rush, students have the opportunity to showcase their club’s unique character. Many have designed self-made banners, displayed their dedication with trophies, and highlighted their club’s purpose with various props such as instruments, succulent plants, and telescopes.

Joining a club is not only a fantastic way to expand one’s social circle, but it can also be a significant factor in college admissions. Many colleges look favorably upon students who demonstrate dedicated interest and involvement in extracurricular activities. For many students, it provides an opportunity for growth. 

“I think it’s a great way to find people that share common interests with you, and it definitely branches out,” Salcido said. “It made me more responsible because I have to talk to different organizations and set up fundraisers. It also helped me with my communication with my fellow officers.”

This year’s Club Rush provided a glimpse into the diversity within Ayala High School, showcasing clubs that align with the passions, identities, and qualities of the student body. Many students find the opportunities provided refreshing, as they help both incoming freshmen and experienced seniors in their journey to explore and build upon their careers. Club Rush allows students to express their passions and personal identities, helping them identify and connect with the community they belong to. 

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