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Disney sequels has audience wishing for more original movies

Many students feel like Disney sequels are poorly produced or unoriginal, making them less likely to want to watch the new Disney sequels being announced. "There are a few that look interesting like Moana 2, but overall I think there is a lack of creativity in many of these sequels that made the first movies good," Bernice Amaziah (11) said.
Many students feel like Disney sequels are poorly produced or unoriginal, making them less likely to want to watch the new Disney sequels being announced. “There are a few that look interesting like Moana 2, but overall I think there is a lack of creativity in many of these sequels that made the first movies good,” Bernice Amaziah (11) said.
Madison O’Neill

Disney sequels have notoriously been known for not having the best production or story line, nonetheless, Disney has been announcing more and more sequels to add to their franchise. Some of these sequels include Moana 2, Zootopia 2, Avatar 3, Toy Story 5, and Frozen 3. While some may think that these movies are unnecessary and repetitive, others believe that they are required to cap off the movie series. 

A lot of these movies did really well when they came out in theaters originally, but Disney started trying to get as much money out of these movies as they could by making a second, third, and forth movie, instead of leaving the original film where it stands. Instead of these unnecessary sequels, the audience would rather have more original and creative movies like they used to be. 

“I feel like [the movies] need to be better produced because I feel like they just rush it and don’t think about what they’re doing,” Audrina Cerda (11) said. 

The main reason that Disney sequels are notoriously disliked is because of their poor production value. Some people notice that when they watch a Disney sequel, it has the same story line as the original movie with new poorly written characters when they could be making a new more interesting story line. 

“Many of the characters that we loved from the first movies are often ruined in the new sequels because the writers feel like there has to be more added to the story, instead of just leaving it the way it is,” Bernice Amaziah (11) said. 

Because of Disney using similar story lines for their sequels, many people wish that more Disney movies had a more creative story line like older Disney movies. While older movies do have their fair share of poorly written sequels, there were also many original movies that made history. 

“Part of what Disney originally was was that it was coming up with so many different stories, so it should get back to that,” Sofia Tovar (11) said. 

Others have different opinions about Disney sequels as they feel like the movies are necessary to continue the franchise. This is because some movies are left on a cliffhanger so more clarity is necessary to help the audience understand the movie better. 

“[Disney] always cuts [the story line] off in the first movie and are lazy with a cliffhanger. So I feel like it is important to see what happens afterwards,” Cerda said. 

Disney is known for having poorly produced sequels whether it be the story line, the characters, or just because it’s necessary all together. To help avoid this, Disney can try to make more original movies to cater to their audience. 

“If Disney could make a good, original movie with a good soundtrack and memorable characters, I would change my mind,” Amaziah said.

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