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Ella Galindo and Emma Nuñez: Rising Stars

Ella Galindo (9) and Emma Nuñez (9) together at the recent Walnut game. Their drive and focus led them to securing spots on the Varsity Volleyball team
Ella Galindo (9) and Emma Nuñez (9) together at the recent Walnut game. Their drive and focus led them to securing spots on the Varsity Volleyball team
Danviga Karthik

In a remarkable debut season as freshmen on the Ayala Girls Varsity Volleyball team, Ella Rae Galindo and Emma Nuñez have quickly established themselves as integral members among a court filled with older and more experienced teammates. Their impressive skills and determination has made its mark on coaches and peers, showing just how strong they are as players and individuals.

Galindo’s sports journey began with softball, which she played until around the age of 11. However, feeling burnt out, she made the transition to volleyball starting at Ignite Volleyball Club & Foundation.

“I started doing clinics at Ignite at first and then it led me to being on Emma’s team around 13. I’ve loved it ever since then,” Galindo said.

Nuñez’s path to volleyball began at a much younger age, at age 7. This early introduction to the sport increased her determination, and she soon joined club volleyball, where she honed her skills.

“I started playing volleyball when I started doing the camps here at Ayala when I was younger, like 7. I always wanted to play in high school and I really think it just motivates me to want to keep going,” Nuñez said.

Both athletes credit their early experiences with supportive figures for nurturing their passion. Galindo mentions her old coach as a significant influence.

“My old coach, Coach Paul, he encouraged me to say that I definitely had something in me and I could be where I am today,” Galindo said.

Being part of the varsity team as freshmen is an accomplishment both athletes cherish. For Nuñez, the experience is equally rewarding and encourages her to pursue greater things.

“It feels good to play [at] a high level and it makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something,” Nuñez said. “I want to be a leader to younger girls and show them that they could be like me one day.”

Coach Brandy Townsell, the head coach of Girls and Boys Volleyball, has been impressed by the contributions both Galindo and Nuñez have made to the team. She highlights Galindo’s court vision, her willingness to put her effort into a game, and Nuñez’s defensive skills and hustle.

“Ella is always ready to compete, and brings a competitive energy to the team, even in practice,” Townsell said. “Emma is very composed and never gives up on a play.”

However, their freshman year has not been without challenges. Going against older and more experienced players can be intimidating, but both Galindo and Nuñez see these experiences as valuable learning opportunities. As the season progresses, their confidence has grown, allowing them to perform at their best. Galindo recalls a moment at the Tosoro tournament, where she faced Division 1 commits.

“Seeing 18-year-olds that are D1 commits, bouncing the ball at the 10-foot line was very difficult and challenging,” Galindo said. “But it motivated me and gave me a drive to see myself there three years from now and have other freshmen be amazed of what I can do.”

Nuñez agrees with this mindset that showcases her determination to grow and improve, regardless of the obstacles they face.

“Playing against older girls and seeing the highest levels that people are capable of playing at makes me want to be there someday and maybe even be better than them,” Nuñez said.

The girls’ teamwork and chemistry are evident on the court. Galindo’s competitive energy pushes her teammates to elevate their performance, while Nuñez’s calm mindset helps to steady the team during high-pressure moments. Both athletes have embraced the learning opportunities that come with being part of a varsity team, especially as freshmen. They recognize the importance of teamwork and communication, shown by their older teammates.

“I definitely idolize some upperclassmen because I see how they can balance things out. Especially our captain Abby, how cool and content she can stay during any situation and how uplifting she is to everybody,” Galindo said.

As they reflect on their goals for the future, both Galindo and Nuñez have clear desires. Galindo sees herself as a role model for younger players while Nuñez has her sights set on playing at the collegiate level and contributing to the growth of volleyball.

“The most important thing I hope they learn from being on varsity is how to be good teammates and how to have grit. To always compete even when you’re down, to the best of your ability,” Townsell said.

In a sport that demands both physical and mental strength, Ella Galindo and Emma Nuñez show what it means to be dedicated and hardworking athletes. Their journeys, marked by hard work and support from their coaches and teammates, show a promising outlook on their careers. As they both continue to develop their skills, it’s clear that they are not only making an impact this season but are also paving the way for future success both on and off the court.

“They are not just strong players, but amazing young ladies,” Townsell said. “I can’t wait to see what Ella and Emma do in our program.”

Ella Rae Galindo (9) waiting for the ball during serve receive.
Emma Nuñez (9) playing defense during one of her games.
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