Student News Site of Ruben S. Ayala High School

Bulldog Times

Bulldog Times

Student News Site of Ruben S. Ayala High School

Bulldog Times

Seniors of BDT: Farewell, but not forgotten

Elisabeth Lee
Farewell to the Bulldog Times’ seniors: Ryan Wu, Gianna Spagnolo, Rachel Dunn, Abby Le, Isabel Sim, Angelina Zhao, and Adrielle Dumandan.

Adrielle Dumandan – Social Media Manager

If you need to find Adrielle Dumandan, chances are you will find her hanging out with her two precious dogs or tending to her small militia of houseplants.

Adrielle has served her final year in the Bulldog Times (BDT) as Social Media Manager, designing posts and ensuring that the BDT social media platforms are always in tip-top shape: both in functionality and aesthetics. Although her parents initially wanted her to study nursing, Adrielle quickly realized how much passion she held for art, particularly digital design.

“I was really passionate about getting into nursing at first, but then I noticed that I really love art,” Adrielle said. “I plan to pursue digital design after high school and hopefully get into a marketing agency in the future.”

She plans to attend community college directly after high school to finish her prerequisites, and then transfer to the University of California, Irvine for their well-known marketing program.

On top of holding the title as the BDT Social Media Manager, Adrielle has also been a proud member of Ayala’s Renaissance program for the past three years.

“I really enjoyed working with all of the teachers and students, and being able to contribute to school events felt rewarding,” Adrielle said. “I joined the class just to be with my older sister, but I ended up loving it.”

Besides walking or napping with her dogs, and watering her plants, Adrielle also loves spending time with her older sister whom she also considers to be her best friend.

“In 10-20 years I envision myself living with my sister, since living together has been our shared dream,” Adrielle said. “My sister has always supported me becoming a graphic designer, and I want her to watch me achieve my dream.”

[Janelle Lim]

Gianna Spagnolo – Secretary/ Historian 

The sunshine after a rainfall, a cup of hot cocoa in the snow, a hug after a long day; when Gianna Spagnolo enters a room, her lively and compassionate personality embodies these comforting feelings. Never without a smile on her face, Gianna always comes to school ready to take on the day and enjoy moments with her friends. Though this is her first year as a staff member of the Bulldog Times, she embraced her passion for social networking within the social media department and made several monumental memories. After she graduates, Gianna plans on majoring in political science while attending Azusa Pacific University to become a corporate attorney. Outside of school, she has several hobbies that she indulges in after class.

“I like to volunteer with Priceless Pets, and I love playing with my dog. I always look after her and take care of her like it is a full-time job,” said Gianna.

Gianna has grown tremendously throughout her high school career, and has met several different people that impacted her life.

“My number one influence would be my dad. He started from nothing and worked his way up, which really inspires me.” Gianna explains. “Ms. Taja definitely had the biggest influence on me on campus. I always felt comfortable letting her know what’s going on in my life.”

Gianna is excited to move into the next chapter of her life, hoping to eventually purchase her own house and be freed of student debt once she starts her career.

[Laila Kumar]

Ryan Wu – Webmaster Manager

When planning his schedule of classes for his senior year, Ryan chose to take Journalism as an elective for the sole purpose of getting to hang out with Ms. Tse. She had recommended he join to gain some socialization experience and to learn how to talk to people. Despite his initial motives to join the class, Ryan was able to develop communication skills by interviewing people he wouldn’t normally interact with to write articles.

“That was an interesting experience, and it was very nerve-wracking at first,” Ryan said. “But the more you did it, the more you got used to it, and the more used to being uncomfortable you are, the more you can grow.”

Ryan will be attending the University of California, Davis in the fall to study computer science and engineering. Whether it be in college or his career, the skills he learned in Journalism will apply to whatever future endeavors Ryan chooses to pursue. Such soft skills are essential to being successful and going far in school and life. Attaining attributes like time management and creative thinking was not the main reason Ryan decided to take Journalism, but it was a good experience for him nonetheless.

“Computer science is one-third coding and two-thirds people skills because you can always get someone to code or build whatever you want,” Ryan said. “You can give them a schematic or an idea, and then they’ll build it for you, but you need that person to be able to communicate. Without communication, it doesn’t matter if you’re the best in the world. If you can’t share it with other people, it’s useless.”

[Kaitlyn Luu]

Isabel Sim – Features Writer

Even after knowing Isabel for the brief amount of time we did, her gentle nature and incessant kindness just felt like a truth universally acknowledged by everyone who had the wonderful opportunity of knowing her.

Throughout her four year journey here at Ayala, Isabel has grown and experienced many edifying changes throughout her high school career; from digital learning to physical learning, from a Journalism club to a Journalism class, and from staff writer to features editor. Now, the transition between high school and college is going to be one of the biggest changes yet as Isabel fulfills the passion she harbors for literature by pursuing a major in creative writing, despite the fact that she is undecided on where to attend college.

“I’ve come to understand problems more objectively,” said Isabel.”I try to think about how I can improve and better myself in the future, so I feel like I’ve learned to see the value in using all my resources to learn new things.”

As Isabel’s senior year comes to a close, it is evident that everything that she has been through has paid off, turning her into the kind, hard working person that she is today. Whatever future endeavors that Isabel comes across, we all want her to know that she has left her own unique, indelible mark on our publication and that she will be missed dearly.

“My advice for any future Bulldog Times members is to not be afraid to go up and talk to people you’re not familiar with because you can make some really meaningful memories and connections with the people you least expect,” said Isabel.

[Lia Dimapasok and Madison O’Neill]

Rachel Dunn – Assistant Features Editor

With laughter that could brighten up a room, Rachel Dunn’s presence at Ayala and the Bulldog Times is like no other. Being a Bulldog all four years of high school has taught Rachel about the fleeting moments of time, the cherished memories, the grueling obstacles, and the triumphant feeling of standing on top of the hill, relishing it all.

During her senior year, Rachel found an interest in journalistic writing that has cultivated her creativity in ways that academic writing cannot offer. Leaning into a role of leadership, Rachel also helped edit articles as the Assistant Features Editor.

“I like to write and I wanted to do it in a setting where it would actually be published for people to see it and read my articles. I wanted to be heard,” Rachel said.

Each and every one of Rachel’s stories are a tapestry of her personality, intricately weaving her passions into her writing with candor and amusing quips that leave a lasting impression.

Soon to be attending Cal State Fullerton as a business major, Rachel reflects on her journey of high school and how it has impacted her life. As she gets ready to turn the page from high school to college, she knows that her high school memories will forever be cherished in her heart.

“High school was a time where I made a lot of memories and I am glad that I get to carry these memories with me into the next chapters of my life,” Rachel said.

[Stephanie Lyn]

Angelina Zhao – Visuals Member

Initially walking into Ayala as a sophomore, Angelina Zhao had just recently emerged from the depths of COVID-19 and was completely unfamiliar with the high school experience. However, throughout her three years on campus and one year online, Angelina has grown not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.

Angelina boasted a high GPA and was involved in multiple programs in Ayala including National Math Honors Society, National Honors Society, and Key Club.

She joined Journalism in her senior year when her friend, Abby Le (12), encouraged her to try the program. It turns out that Angelina would not regret the experience and find ways to grow through the many opportunities presented in the class.

“Through journalism you gain more knowledge about how to write in a journalistic way. I think it really broadens your perspective on how to write in a very emotional and vivid way,” Angelina said.

Her plans for the future include attending Cal Poly Pomona with a major in electrical engineering. She hopes to pursue a career in nuclear engineering, combining her love for math and science.

As Angelina reflects on her high school journey, she recalls her best memories being from junior year in AP Computer Science Principles where she met some of her best friends.

Thus, she leaves her underclassmen with a strong and wise piece of advice.

“Have fun because high school is only four years of your life. Don’t be nervous about meeting new people because it’s always fun. People are often nicer than you think,” Angelina said.

[Elisabeth Lee]

Abby Le – Sports Writer

Abigail “Abby” Le is a departing senior part of the Sports Department of the Bulldog Times. She is a hardworking dedicated student who put her all into the publication. Abby’s favorite hobbies include playing guitar and singing during her free time.

Her plans for the future are set as she hopes to attend the University of California, Riverside with a major in business economics and a concentration in law.

Abby has always been someone who makes others feel loved, and she brightens every environment she is put in. She never fails to put smiles on the other department members’ faces when they are down. Likewise, she appreciates the small gestures people have shown to her throughout her high school years.

“I think I’ll miss the people,” Abby said. “The way that in high school you can just walk past someone and they just wave at you. That’s only something that happens in the confines of high school walls.”

Abby has numerous people she is grateful for throughout high school. However, one of them stood out to her the most, and that was her teacher Mrs. Claudia Reynolds. Mrs. Reynolds was her AP Spanish teacher who was always there for her with an ear open whenever Abby felt like she was going through something tough and needed someone to talk to.

“She’s also such a good teacher,” Abby said. “She teaches you about life experiences and not just words on a paper, which I think is just so important for a teacher to have.”

Abby was a very important and cooperative member of the Bulldog Times and reminisced about her favorite memories of high school. She described her time at Ayala as a “rollercoaster”, sharing how she had her ups and downs throughout freshman to senior year. Yet, Abby will never forget the memories she made in journalism and outside of school with many people she met.

[Ayushka Chethan]


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About the Contributors
Jiaying Hou
Jiaying Hou, Assistant News Editor
Jiaying Hou (11) is a reporter for The Bulldog Times, and this is her first year on staff. Jiaying hopes to bring forward unique students at Ayala and tell their stories. This year, she is excited to work with other passionate writers and be more involved in school culture. In addition to being a reporter, she is also part of Cancer Awareness Club, ANEA Club, STEAM for Kids, and Leo Club. Outside of school, she is a ballet dancer and enjoys playing both the saxophone and piano. She also loves traveling, playing with her dog, watching documentaries, and replicating her mom’s cooking recipes.
Laila Kumar
Laila Kumar, Staff Member
Laila Kumar (9) is a first-year member and writer of the Bulldog Times who is hoping to share her creative ideas and passion for writing. Laila is looking forward to working with her peers to build a strong community within the classroom, as well as advertise using articles and flyers. Outside of the workspace, she enjoys playing the piano, dancing, and reading. As the Freshman Social Chair, she is looking forward to using her online experience to represent our Bulldogs. Her favorite aspect of Ayala is the campus life, and she wants to ensure that everybody’s perspective is represented and valued.

Aniya Grant
Aniya Grant, Staff Member
Aniya Grant (9) is a staff member for The Bulldog Times, and this is her first year on staff. She looks forward to gaining more experience in student journalism, and building new relationships around campus. Aniya hopes to learn more about the students of Ayala through her writing, and is excited to collaborate with her peers to fully experience the art of journalism. In her free time, she enjoys baking and encouraging her mom to try her new concoctions. She also loves playing soccer with her friends and teammates, and she has been playing for 6 years as of now.
Madeline Khoo
Madeline Khoo, News and Features Editor
Madeline Khoo (11) is the News and Features Editor for The Bulldog Times, and this is her 2nd year on staff. Madeline hopes to write and publish articles that engage the student body while having the Bulldog Times serve as the first news source for student and Ayala updates. She looks forward to reaching out to many different students this year and capturing the variety of perspectives here on campus. In addition to being an editor, Madeline is also the President of Model United Nations and is a graphic designer for the CNH Key Club District. Outside of school, she enjoys reading WEBTOONs, watching (Chinese and Korean) dramas, and hanging out with her friends.
Lia Dimapasok
Lia Dimapasok, Staff Member
Lia Dimapasok (9) joins The Bulldog Times as an aspiring writer, eager to explore the world of journalism. In her first year on the team, Lia looks forward to honing her reporting skills and sharing intriguing stories with her fellow students. Beyond her journalistic pursuits, she enjoys reading, scrapbooking, and baking. When not immersed in academics or writing, Lia can often be found with her nose buried in a book, lost in the captivating worlds created by her favorite authors. She also nurtures her love for creative expression through short story writing, cultivating a deep appreciation for the written word. With a genuine curiosity for the world and a penchant for storytelling, Lia is poised to make her mark on The Bulldog Times.
Kaitlyn Angeles
Kaitlyn Angeles, Staff Member
Kaitlyn Angeles (9) is a reporter for The Bulldog Times, and this is her 1st year on staff. Kaitlyn is aiming to be closer with her peers and improve her social and writing skills. She would be happy to work with others and see what improvements she can make for future assignments. In addition to being a reporter, she is looking forward to joining the PUSO Club and Asian Club. In her free time, she just likes to hang out with friends, draw, play video games, listen to music, play with her dog, and space out. She really isn’t an outgoing person, but she is willing to work hard on whatever she can.
Janelle Lim
Janelle Lim, Staff Member
Janelle Lim (11) is a staff writer for The Bulldog Times and this is her 1st year on staff. Janelle hopes to give students their spotlights within their extracurriculars and activities at Ayala. She looks forward to working with the other staff writers and making memories with the class. In addition to being a part of The Bulldog Times, she is also an officer for STEAM for All club, Proactive Minds club, Red Cross club, Model United Nations Club, and Cancer Awareness club. In her free time, she often enjoys instant ramen while binging Kdramas, walking her dog during the sunset, and sleeping in until late in the afternoon.
Elisabeth Lee
Elisabeth Lee, Visual Editor
Elisabeth Lee (10) is a second year member and visual editor of The Bulldog Times who looks forward to expanding her knowledge in journalism and using her skills of writing and digital art to bring recognition to people and places on campus and in the community. Outside of journalism, Elisabeth is an avid golfer who is always ready to improve, social manager of the Outreach for Christ Club, and treasurer of Foster Love. In her free time, you can nd her practicing calligraphy, reading books, brainstorming her plans for the future, or rening her golf swing. Elisabeth’s favorite parts of Ayala are the many opportunities for involvement and growth which she hopes to take advantage of throughout her high school career.
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