On Tuesday December 4, girls’ soccer competed in their first match of this season against Roosevelt, who they lost to 1-4. All levels, including Frosh and Junior Varsity (JV), were able to go out and show what they were capable of and put up a good fight against Roosevelt who won California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Division 1 last year. As this was a largely anticipated match between the two teams, many came out to support their Bulldogs.
In the first half, Roosevelt came out strong and managed to score three goals on Ayala. However, this did not come lightly as Ayala came back and scored one goal. This set the score at the end of the first half at 1-3.
In the second half, Ayala held their ground; however, Roosevelt was able to score one more goal by the end of the half. With Ayala unable to get any points on the board this half, the final score was 1-4 with Roosevelt taking the win.
Ayala’s next game will be on Tuesday, December 10, against La Serna at 5:00 in the stadium. Roosevelt’s next game will be on Friday, December 6, against Perry High School as a part of a tournament.