Future Business Leaders of Ayala secure Top 8 at sections
March 10, 2022

On February 12, Ayala’s most prominent student leaders from their Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter competed at the section-wide competition, Inland Section Leadership Conference (ISLC).
The competition was hosted at Los Osos High School where schools like Diamond Bar High and Eleanor Roosevelt gathered to face off against one another in a series of professional events. These events ranged from performance-based, like Impromptu and Public Speaking, to Objective Tests that tested students on their knowledge of topics like Business Law, Agribusiness, and Health Care Administration.
“I believe FBLA, more than delivering me direct knowledge on the topics I have competed in, has taught me soft skills which have already been useful and will continue to be useful throughout my future,” FBLA Chapter President, Risha Trivedi, said. “I have learned how to network and meet people in professional scenarios, along with also learning how to manage my time and club.”
Through events like these, students are able to gain experience and develop skills that they can apply to professional industry. Whether it may be by learning about the ins and outs of the parts of businesses, or networking with students and professionals, they are able to makeshift their high school career into something full of excitement and fun-filled learning activities.
In addition to their workflow, they are also given the opportunity to network with students from other high schools in various activities throughout the day. Offered at the event were icebreakers and workshops, baby grams that could be purchased to support the March of Dimes, and an open karaoke space for members to sing their hearts out to the songs of their choice.

Participants were fueled by a selection of food and beverages, including In-N-Out, food trucks with donuts and ice cones, and a boba stand. These came in especially handy after a long few months of preparation leading up to the event and the 12 hour long day.
At the end of all of the testing, judging, and interactions with peers, the day was concluded with an awards ceremony. Students who placed in the Top 8 for their event were awarded on stage with a plaque, taking turns getting in line to be awarded on stage.
After tonight, many of these students will be preparing to compete at a state level in the State Leadership Conference (SLC) and take their next steps into their future careers. Setting the course for their future careers, senior Zeeshaan Adamanjee said, “I plan to open up a company in the future in whatever field that I finally decide to go into.”
Overall, the ISLC was a success, with Ayala’s FBLA Chapter placing 8th among all of the high schools within FBLA’s Inland Section.
Evaluating the overall day, sophomore Shaan Mistry said, “My favorite part of ISLC was being able to meet students from other chapters. It was great to get to know people that share a common desire to lead in their respective communities.” This end of the event may have been the closing to the chapter of someone’s FBLA journey, or the beginning of a new adventure.
Until the state competition, these future leaders will proceed with developing their skills alongside their chapter at their school, learning more as the days go by.