Ayala Choir sings the national anthem at Angel Stadium

Sayee Deshmukh, Arts and Entertainment Editor

On Saturday, October 1, 2022, Ayala choir alongside other schools performed the national anthem at LA Angels Choir Night. Taking the field and singing the national anthem at Angels Stadium is a yearly tradition for the choir, and although they return to the same stadium, every year is a brand new opportunity to make cherished and unforgettable memories.

Preparations for singing something as simple as the national anthem are surprisingly time consuming and require full effort from members of the choir. Preparation for the event started as early as choir camp, which took place in July. Although returning members of the choir were familiar with the music, new members had to learn it quickly. Not only does the Ayala choir have to practice amongst themselves, but they even had to dedicate time to practicing with other schools who would be singing alongside them.

“To prepare we just have to make sure we have a professional mindset, and that we know to be on our best behavior,” said Ariana Morales (11). “We also have to be ready to make changes since we’re with such a huge group [of performers].”

Once arriving upon the field, and in front of a massive crowd of diehard baseball fans, one may feel nervous or overwhelmed. Over the years, members of choir have learned to subdue this nervousness, and have developed mindsets to help them get over their nerves.

“Sometimes while walking onto the field it can get a little overwhelming,” said Morales, “but then I remember that we’re singing with hundreds of other kids. It also helps to watch Mr. Davis instead of the crowd.”

 Choir returns back to the Angels field every year, yet there are new memories to create, whilst also reminiscing old ones. Fun games and inside jokes are shared before and after performing, and the best part; choir students get to watch the game for free, also getting to enjoy it with their dear friends.

“We have something called OTB where if we see something either positive or negative we keep it to ourselves until we’re allowed to share OTB with the entire group,” said Celine Kwai (11). “Also I enjoyed hanging out with friends during the actual game.”

As this is one of the choir’s first performances, there are still many more, exciting performances to expect throughout the year. Notably, the choir’s first concert of the year will be occurring this Wednesday, October 5, 2022 in the MPR.

“I’m just excited to experience these events with everyone in choir this year and make as many memories as I can!” said Daphne Master (12).