Falling back: analyzing the impact of daylight savings on students
Daylight savings ends Sunday, November 6 this year. For some, this means an extra hour of sleep. For others, it means disruptions to their circadian system.
October 31, 2022
With daylight savings ending soon many students are expected to struggle in adapting to the new time. Daylight savings was originally intended to allow more industrial work during the summer. We are far from that and at a point where it hurts students more than helps. Daylight savings has evolved in 2005 it was extended several weeks to allow less energy consumption. Now ending on November sixth some are questioning whether or not it should still be around.
Most of the world does not observe daylight savings anymore. One reason is the effects daylight savings has on teenagers. Sleep remains a top issue in teenagers. According to a National Sleep Foundation poll only 20% of high schoolers get enough sleep.
“[With] Daylight Savings ending, it will definitely bring our family back to our normal schedule and not having to worry about the extra hour that changes up as it affects our sleep a lot.” Shukai Xia (10) said.
This is due to the fact that our circadian rhythm, often referred to as our internal clock gets thrown off by suddening doing our normal things an hour off.
Some think that daylight savings ending will reduce the need for coffee and energy drinks.
“We all can do more things to a greater level due to our energy levels.” Akshar Thakker (11) said.
According to Osong Public Health Res Perspect, these drinks can lead to issues in sleep and learning.
Traffic accidents are another issue from daylight savings. According to Current Biology twenty seven traffic accidents happen every year due to daylight savings, an increase of six percent compared to other weeks. According to The University of Washington, daylight savings can even reduce crime, and electricity consumption by three percent.
The Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 remains deadlocked in the House of Representatives which would allow daylight savings to be permanent and remove the changing of the clocks. Despite bipartisan support the bill has been sitting for months. Many Jewish and Muslim groups have opposed the bill claiming that it interfers with their respective religion.
For some people they will still ignore the clocks to enjoy their teenage lives. “I will definitely be staying up longer, whether it being to study or to enjoy a nice movie.” Thakker said.