Bulldogs of Ayala: Blooming for love
Lauryn Park (11) fosters growth through humility

“The Arts for Golden Hearts project helped me realize that I love to help encourage people in different ways. I’ve been kind of sticking to the theme of helping others in different capacities throughout high school ever since,” Lauryn Park (11) said.
February 7, 2023
Hardworking. Inspiring. Helpful. Kind. These are some of the many words both Lauryn Park’s (11) teachers and peers have used to describe her.
Going into high school, Park was unsure about any future plans concerning involvement at Ayala other than soccer. However, throughout her freshman, sophomore, and junior year, she has been able to find ways to benefit the community, both in and out of school.
The first step in Park’s high school journey occurred in her freshman year when she created Arts for Golden Hearts, an outside project focusing on providing the art of paintings and music for seniors in the community. After creating paintings for her mom’s work facility, making uplifting art and playing music for seniors became a passion that Park decided to turn into a project. In the future, Park plans to expand Arts for Golden Hearts by inviting other high schoolers to contribute to the activity, and she hopes to become more consistent in delivering her handmade packages to seniors.
Park reflects, “The Arts for Golden Hearts project helped me realize that I love to help encourage people in different ways. I’ve been kind of sticking to the theme of helping others in different capacities throughout high school ever since.”
On campus, Park can be found contributing to various clubs. Through her memberships in a variety of on-campus organizations, including the LEO club, National Honor Society, and Find Kind, she serves the community with generous intention and grows in her already well-developed character.
On top of her involvement through participation, Park shows her leadership mentality through her service as an officer for Together We Rise and Kicks to Give. Being a member of Together We Rise in her sophomore year, Park noticed it was the only club in Ayala that specifically focused on foster children. She developed an interest in their mission and through her dedication for the club, she secured her position as vice president.
As for Kicks to Give, Park created this club as a branch of the larger organization which focuses on donating gently used soccer equipment to underprivileged youth.
“I myself accumulated a lot of old soccer equipment over the years,” recalled Park. “I thought it was great to bring this organization to Ayala since we don’t have anything like it. I learned that a lot of planning goes into this too!”
Outside of school, Park uses her time to serve others not only through her Arts for Golden Hearts project, but through volunteering at her church. Her kindness is shown through contributing to the toddler service often and playing the keyboard on her youth group’s worship team from time to time. Additionally Park’s interests off campus are displayed through her time spent playing soccer, spending time with friends, journaling, going on runs, thrifting, and driving.
Through her balance of school and personal life, Park’s hardworking and organized character is clearly displayed.
Megan Diep (11), Park’s close friend and classmate said, “It’s hard to describe someone like her with words. She is possibly the most hardworking person I know; someone who balances school, sports, extracurriculars, and a social life. She’s a perfectionist who values doing everything to make her a better version of herself.”
In class, Park’s intelligence and dedication to education is evident to both teachers and peers as she boasts an incredible 4.7 GPA, placing her in a high ranking and proving her diligent character. She has been noticed by not only her fellow classmates, but also by teachers.
Integrated Math 2 Honors teacher Christina Kim was fully aware of Park’s traits and potential as she said, “Somehow she is able to juggle everything that she does while maintaining stellar grades. Laurie also approaches everything in humility. She adopts a growth mindset in whatever she does and accepts every challenge as an opportunity to grow.”
A constant theme of using her skills to benefit others is seen through Park’s involvement in and out of school. She uses her strengths of compassion and humility, her pure determination, and her passions to help the community and benefit others.
Still, with her achievements, Park is ready and excited to continue her journey. “I’m proud of what I’ve done so far, but I always feel like I can do more. Sometimes that feeling turns into stress, but when I remember to focus on my passions and that I only have a year and a half left of high school, I’m motivated to try my best in all the different things I’m involved in.”