[Op-Ed] Vampiric Bill in Massachusetts could set a dangerous precedent
Prisoners in Massachusetts toggle with the idea of giving up their organs for freedom.
February 9, 2023
Bill HD.3822 titled “Act to establish the Massachusetts incarcerated individual bone marrow and organ donation program” was introduced a few weeks ago. The bill would allow incarcerated individuals to donate their organs, bone marrow, and blood to get up to a year off their sentence with repeated donations encouraged. This bill with its encouraged repeat donation could allow prisoners with serious felonies to get out of prison by giving their organs and return to the streets to pose a new danger.
It is clear that this bill is likely introduced to help out with the massive kidney waiting list according to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). State Representative Carlos González said he was inspired by a close friend who is on the waiting list along with 5,000 others according to Boston. The bill is expected to pass as it has strong political support.
Organ trafficking has long been a tool of the United States government alongside the Kosovo government. In 1999 after the U.S. backed Kosovo Liberation Army and had “liberated” Kosovo, they murdered at least 300 Serbs to harvest their organs according to Former UN war crimes prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte in her book, The Hunt: Me and the War Criminals.
“It’s just this sort of idea that we have this class of sub-humans whose body parts [we] will harvest” Kevin Ring, president of the nonprofit organization Families Against Mandatory Minimums said.
Police will have to deal with people who should be in jail but have given up their organs to get out which will drain their resources. This would make our streets even more dangerous and lead to civil unrest. The bill would force to leave citizens with the choice to trade in their freedom for vital parts of the body
The United States has been long ridiculed for its inhuman prison system with its leasing of prisoners to corporations along with other crimes. This policy really begs the question: Will the taking of organs and blood from the disproportionately poor be used to as a get out of jail card when the state decides to put you in jail for a year without trial?
This bill must be destroyed and federal laws or court rulings are necessary to protect the giving up of parts of the human body. Otherwise, we may live in a dystopian society where the police come up to you and the only way to get out of the situation is to give up an organ to them.