Advice from a part-time worker: how to get a job
Many local businesses have ‘now hiring’ signs open to applicants seeking a job. Here are a few tips to help you out with the job hunting process as a high schooler!
March 14, 2023
In this day and age, getting a job is becoming something that kids at the high school level need to think about, especially if you are planning to go to college, buy a car, pay for bills, or just pay for yourself. This is a moment where kids become young adults and get a taste of the real world, no matter where you work. As a student who works, I will help you consider working, how to apply, how to get the job, and how to be ready to work in the adult world.
Consider Working.
An obvious thing when deciding to work is considering your workload. Balancing life with work should be #1 when deciding to take this leap. Depending on where you work, it is important to make a schedule beforehand and look at the days that you are available. It is also important to think about if working is right for you, even though you might want to have your own job, the time and place might not properly align. Consult your parents about the idea before.
Look at Job Opportunities.
For a suitable first job, it is important to find a job that is close to where you live, a job that you have family/friend connections to, and a job you think you would find amusing. Most common types of job opportunities would be food businesses, as most restaurants are always looking for help. The other types of jobs outside of that field would include working at golf courses, babysitting gigs, working at stores, etc. Obviously the choice is up to you, and sometimes your parents, but go with what your heart desires, and if that doesn’t work out, keep looking. You can use job finders, such as Indeed to help you with your search.
Getting an Application.
Once you figure out what establishment you want to work at, the next step is getting an application. There are two ways you can apply for a job, either online on the company’s website or going into the building for a paper application. If you are to fill out an online application, you would answer the questions regarding that position, give information about your traits, work availability, and references. Your number, name, and email address would be taken and you could expect a call, text, or email from the company either denying your application or requesting an interview. Physical applications work similarly. You would commonly write your number down, email, and other information before returning the paper to the establishment you got it from. Sometimes being denied hurts at first, but it sets us up for success for future jobs. If you are lucky enough to get an interview, you are another step closer.
The Interview.
The most nerve wracking part of the job process: the job interview. This is where the manager will meet you before the place opens, during operation, or after the building closes. The manager will ask you questions about yourself, will ask about your availability, and other questions that were on the application form. The most important thing to remember when you’re in this process is to keep eye contact, act like yourself but be professional, and to be lively. Managers look to find well rounded and respectful people to represent their business and if you look prepared for that job, you will be a higher candidate on their list.
The Wait.
Oh how dreaded this part is. Waiting for a response makes you overthink your whole process and obviously can make you doubt yourself. The process is a hard and long wait, but in the end, once you receive a response, all your worries will go away. After this, there is one of two scenarios that you will make. Scenario #1 is if you get the job, and Scenario #2 being if you don’t get the job.
Scenario #1
This scenario is for if you got the job you applied for. Once you get the job, you get set for your first day. If your job requires certain attire then you go shopping for those clothes, making a good impression on your first day, or if your job requires uniform that they supply, you wear that uniform with pride. Arrive 10 minutes early before your first shift and this will allow you to learn the ropes of your position and to have some experience. Your first days will be tough but with practice and dedication, you can become a master at your job!
Scenario #2
Now this scenario is for the less fortunate people of the group. For some reason or another, the establishment you applied for did not meet your schedule or didn’t like you (let’s hope that not the case). After this, it is time to redo the whole process once again, but this time you are prepared. With dedication and experience now on your side, you will be ready for that next job application and interview.
Getting a job is important not only to help you grow financially, but it also gives a business another helping hand in bettering their company. The willingness to work, believe in yourself, and find rhythm in the world of job hunting is what allows you to grow successfully in terms of financial capabilities and to become a more functioning member of society.