What can we do about mental health
Managing one’s mental health take a toll and can affect people in many different devastating ways.
April 16, 2023
Mental health is an important topic that has been brought up throughout the centuries, as people tried many forms of preventing anxiety, and other thoughts. Here are three personal tips brought from me and psychologists, to you; coming from my personal experiences that helped me. Feel free to help yourself, check and prioritize your mental well-being. Not all methods will work for everyone but it is worth a try, or alternate it with what you think is right.
Anxiety is hard to deal with, it can make you feel like your head is being torn to shreds. Anxiety disorders are common in both adults and children. About 18% of U.S. adults and 25% of adolescents age 13 to 18 will experience anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. About 4% of adults, and nearly 6% of teens, have anxiety disorders classified as severe. The method I learned is to breathe in and out slowly and remind yourself that this is a psychological reaction due to being under stress, or pressured moments.
Overthinking is very uncomfortable, and many people can do that for hours at a time or even days after a traumatic event; it is a easy hole to dig but not to get out of. If you are overthinking for hours at a time, I recommend to understand the roots to what you are feeling and why. Obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by persistent, uncontrollable feelings and thoughts (obsessions) and routines or rituals (compulsions). Some common examples include compulsive hand washing in response to a fear of germs, or repeatedly checking work for errors. This will help you to self-identify these triggers and thoughts to find the route to understand yourself.
Crying can come at the most random times, people can be triggered or set off, by people or events that make us want to curl up in a ball. Nothing is wrong with crying, the best thing to do is let it out and compose yourself, reminding yourself it is okay to cry and feel feelings. Such attacks often happen suddenly, without warning. People who experience panic attacks often become fearful about when the next episode will occur, which can cause them to change or restrict their normal activities. Talking to yourself and identifying these feelings, or talking to a loved one or somebody you trust can help get those emotions out that are stuck in the deepest corners of your brain.
I hope these things helped you better understand ways to help yourself with psychological research and different constructive-thinking techniques when you are in a mental predicament. Always knows that there is somebody there for you, and talk to the people around you to get better insights to how you are feeling.
If you need someone, reach out to the Suicide Prevention resource here.