Rise of COVID-19 cases within the CVUSD
October 13, 2021
Returning to school has been a blessing, especially for those who struggled academically with distance learning this past school year. However, as the student body returns for the 2021-2022 school year, the sacrifice that comes with being on campus is catching the infectious Covid-19 Delta variant. As the country continues to reopen to pre-Covid levels, all students and faculty within the Chino Valley Unified School District must take the proper precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, and those around them.
As much as masks help in containing the virus, the likelihood of it stopping the spread to over thirty kids in a closed classroom, is low. Schools within the district have instituted the rules of wearing a mask at all times while in the classroom setting, wiping down tables with disinfectant wipes as each class period arrives, and continually sanitizing throughout the day. The interactions between students and teachers comes with risk of getting infected, even when the proper precautions are taken.
“Prior to getting sick, I would always sanitize my hands and clean my desk at school,” American Sign Language teacher Natalie Cooney said. “I would clean my hands upon getting into my car and once I got home.”
Mrs. Cooney is one of only two teachers at Ayala’s campus who has contracted the virus since the school year began in August.
According to the Covid-19 Dashboard, provided by the Chino Valley Unified School District, out of all four high schools, only ten students and two staff members have tested positive for the virus. This was updated at the beginning of September.
“I was more confused than anything…I was in a state of shock and denial..[it was] absurd,” an anonymous student who had tested positive stated. “There was never a time I wasn’t without a mask… [I] tried to keep as socially distant as possible.”
The CDC shares that individuals who get vaccinated are less likely to experience the full extent of the virus symptoms, or for the same amount of time compared to those who have chosen not to get the vaccine. In this case, both Mrs. Cooney, and the student were vaccinated.
“I didn’t experience a fever or have any respiratory issues. My husband [is] vaccinated which helped tremendously… [he] stayed negative and so did my daughter,” Cooney said.
Students and staff that have tested positive for the virus are expected to quarantine for ten days before returning back to campus. For teachers who have tested positive, they had to assign work via Google Classroom, while their students did their work at school. Students that were in quarantine had to receive their work online, and were expected to keep up with the rest of the class as though they had not been absent.
“I couldn’t do any work [while in quarantine] and now I’m swamped in it,” the anonymous student said.
As cases rise, students are able to predict who has tested positive, or if someone they know has had to quarantine. The Delta variant affects everyone. One day a student might appear to be healthy, but their seat could then be empty for the next ten days. For a majority of those on campus who have not gotten Covid this school year, they remain skeptical, wondering if they will fall victim to the variant next.
“I am a little worried about getting Covid,” senior Sydney Sensat said. “I think we have put our lives on hold for too long… however… it would probably be safer to go back to distance learning in order to stop the spread of Covid.”
Students have come to a time where they must risk their health for their education. As the percentage of those on campus who become vaccinated rises, the likelihood of experiencing traumatic symptoms lessens. Soon, everyone on campus will be able to go to school feeling safe.
“It is extremely important to stay safe and wear a mask,” Cooney said. Just imagine how “difficult [it was] for my 5 year old not to be around her mom.”