Imagine waking up at 9a.m., staying comfy in your pajamas all day, and getting to do things at your own time and pace. For some, this may remind them of distance learning a few years ago. But for others, this is their daily school routine.
Quarantine has introduced new options of education rather than just going to school in-person. Now, students can choose to attend school in-person, go hybrid, where they do part of their schooling online and part during school, or they can also choose to completely do online schooling, called independent study.
With class after class, test after test, and projects after projects, school can be daunting. For these reasons, many students have opted to do independent study instead because it can add leisure to a busy schedule.
Senior year can be one of the most arduous years of high school in light of the fact that college applications are being submitted on top of many difficult AP classes and extracurricular activities.
“I ultimately decided to do a hybrid of independent study and in-person [school] because it gives me the opportunity and chances to plan my day more efficiently,” Jayla Parulan (12) said. “I’m able to get more study time in and work on schoolwork at my own pace.”
Pacing is one thing that independent study tries to improve. With a free-form schedule, students on independent study get more leisure time to pursue different extracurricular activities or get more time for work experience, all while balancing schoolwork and education on their own time. With this, it feels less constricting and provides relief towards someone.
Although independent study may provide relief from a tight and busy schedule, some have found themselves missing the social aspect of what going to school in-person can provide.
“I first switched to independent study in early November, but I ultimately chose to come back to in-person school on account of missing the people I had talked to everyday beforehand,” Sofia Franco (9) said. “Though independent study proved to be a great alternative, it wasn’t for me.”
Independent study may be beneficial for those who want to manage their time more efficiently whilst balancing multiple extracurricular activities. But there are some benefits to going to school in-person that aren’t just directly related to education.
“Independent studies is good in terms of management and timing,” Océane Turnaco (12) said. “But for me, I miss my friends, socializing, and having a teacher in front of you instead of watching someone on video. Just human connection mostly.”
The friends that you make in and out of class is a huge part of what makes school bearable for many students. From walking with them during the passing period to helping each other out on difficult homework assignments, socialization is something that independent study lacks, despite its many benefits.