Will “The Eternals” be an eternal success?
October 22, 2021
Marvel’s next installment to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (otherwise known as the MCU) The Eternals, coming out on November 5th, is leaving both audiences and critics alike thrilled with excitement for the new film.
The official trailer, which released on May 24th left many who watched it amazed and curious as to what the new installment will reveal about the MCU that has not yet been revealed.
“I thought it was interesting seeing new abilities we’ve never seen before,” said sophomore Elissa Yoon, “it’s really more than what we’ve seen from the MCU.”
“Before, like [during] the Avengers, that stage of Marvel was very different from what we’re getting now,” said Spanish teacher Edgar Hernandez Estrada, “it’s exciting to see how it’s going to develop as the movies progress.”
Unlike previous films, the new movie will contain an entirely new cast, and will not feature iconic MCU characters that have been seen before in previous movies.
“To be honest, the cast looks so great and I love how they’re making it more like the comics with a bunch of heroes coming together,” said sophomore Santino Thomas Cruz.
Although many are ecstatic to see a new cast of heroes on the silver screen, some are disappointed to not have the ability to see their favorite characters in all of their glory on screen.
“I feel a bit sad that it’s not the cast that I’ve seen over the years,” said sophomore Natalie Adi, “but I can’t wait to see what these characters are like.”
With a new cast of characters, as well as a plot entirely otherworldly, even for a Marvel production, audiences should expect for a movie that is nothing like what the Studio has released before.

The plot of the movie is that The Eternals, a race of immortal beings with superhuman powers who have secretly lived on Earth for thousands of years, reunite to battle the evil Deviants. Featuring heroes that are godly in terms of power and threats to the Universe that have higher stakes than ever before are leaving many with high expectations for the movie.
“[Expectations] are pretty high, MCU movies are usually pretty good anyway,” Yoon said, “since this movie is an introduction to a cast that we’ll see throughout the phase [Marvel Phase 4] I hope they pull it off.”
“I expect to see a lot of really cool effects, and I’m a big fan of intricate backgrounds and the different powers and abilities that they will be developing,” said Hernandez Estrada.
Although The Eternals is expected to exceed any other previous MCU movies in terms of production, the one thing that is helping it truly stand out from the rest of the movies is its representation of many minority groups. The Eternals are a group mostly being represented by women and people of color, even Makkari, played by Lauren Ridloff, is a character giving representation to the deaf community. The director of the movie herself, Chloe Zao, is a Chinese born female director.
“I’m so happy that there is more diversity and I hope to see way more in the future,” Adi said, “I think it’s really great that in the future many minorities will have on screen representation with Marvel!”
“I absolutely love the diversity with such amazing actors,” Said Thomas Cruz, “I love seeing them actually care about casting [people of color] and characters.”
Marvel movies are always considered to be true blockbusters in the media, no matter which hero the movie is representing. The Eternals however, is a prime example of what Marvel is able to do with their reputation. Not only is the new movie breaking boundaries, but it is also an important movie, and will only lead to superhero movies developing as a genre in the future.