Forget me not: the research
October 26, 2021
Have you ever forgotten something super important, like the due date of a massive project or a test? Well the people at the University of Glasgow have the answer to that problem. They have discovered that when you activate a less used part of your brain with magnets it improves your ability to make memories. With better memories comes a higher rate of retention.
PLOS Biology published a research paper from the University of Glasgow on the effects that low frequency rTMS, or repetitive transcranial stimulation, can have on the brain. The researchers went about their experiment by making a control group with nothing altered and a second group with the rTMS applied, then they had both groups try to memorize lists of words. They found that the group with the stimulation to the left prefrontal cortex had an easier time remembering the word list. They think this is because the rTMS activates the parietal region, allowing the brain to take in more information, therefore forming better memories. If this research becomes common knowledge it could have many positive effects on people.
“An improved memory can help encode information for a huge amount of time,” said junior Joshua Hsu, “which can improve the performance on assignments and grades.”
Junior Ryan Sandoval agrees with Hsu that improved memory can better a school career.
“Cause I [would] remember what I need to do and the requirements,” said Sandoval.
Hsu thinks that this benefit could have a butterfly effect and change other aspects of his life, like increasing how much free time he has.
“I generally have one hour of free time [a day],” said Hsu.
He thinks that people not taking part in the research would feel the effects, especially if they were around people that took part in the experiments.
“Better memory could help one better remember their talents and fear, which can be used to make a positive impact on others without any accidents.” said Hsu.
PLOS Biology thinks that this research could affect people with certain people with dementia and change their lives.
“Therefore, online 1 Hz rTMS at left DLPFC appears to be an effective means of enhancing cognitive function in a memory task with potential applicability ranging from basic research to clinical intervention.” said SciTechDaily.