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[Playlist] Your 2023-2024 school year wrapped

David Jung
With the 2023-2024 school year coming to an end, it has been a roller coaster of emotions and memories. What’s better than a playlist that captures these emotions?

Sometimes music can describe a particular feeling or emotion in such a way that words fail to capture. Sometimes it can be hard to describe a year so filled with memories with just a few words. Music speaks to us, it fills us up with our most cherished memories that we have made with friends, it brings up a specific joke, a specific time in your life that is forever engraved in your mind. So here is a playlist that captures all the different aspects of what high school is like, at least for this past school year.

“Self Control” by Frank Ocean

School in and of itself can be a challenge filled with so many twists and turns that it can be hard to navigate the longer school persists. Though change is inevitable, learning to adapt is a viable way to appreciate what we have right now, the friends we have, and the memories we make along the way.

“There have been so many changes throughout the year and that song has different feelings throughout it and that’s how it felt throughout the year,” Julissa Altamirano (12) said. “There’s been situations where we’ve had to learn to adapt and move on, like in the song, as it reminds you of change.”

“Pieces” by Landon Conrath

Tumultuous. When life, and especially school, can throw you in a whirlwind, it can be difficult to go the right path when everything is in pieces. But falling down isn’t the end and knowing when to get back up again is a good mindset to keep moving forward.

“Sometimes school can hit you all at once and you need to be able to pick up the pieces in order to succeed,” Tristan Quinn (11) said. “When nothing wants to go your way, you pick up the pieces and try again.”

“Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana

Some of the best memories of high school happen when you’re with friends, having fun and being able to experience the classic teenager life. Being young, having fun, and enjoying life. For many, these will be the memories they look back upon and smile at.

“I relate that song to making good memories with my friends,” Kayla Huizar (10) said.  “This year I was able to experience more ‘teenager’ type things and was able to enjoy my year a lot. I just really like alternative rock music, and this song embodies my sophomore year.”

“24k Magic” by Bruno Mars

What better way to end high school than with a bang? Four years of memories, friends, and all around vibes to reflect on as you end the chapter of high school. Being a teenager is a period where you can only live out once, so why not make the most of it? This song captures the fun vibes of senior year and all the memories associated with it.

“As the year went on, it felt like a smooth boat ride with the people I love hanging out with and how we’re just living our teenage lives to the fullest as high schoolers would,” Vian Valenzuela (12) said.

“In My Life” by The Beatles

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life that high school offers that sometimes you have to take a step back and just remember. Remember the memories you’ve made, remember the friends who’ve supported you, and remember how it feels to just live in the moment.

“The tone fits with the moody, yet reminiscent vibe of this year. It’s calm, but a little sad, and I feel like the lyrics sum up this year really well,” Karly Welsh (11) said.

“You Never Know” by Olivia Rodrigo

You never know what awaits the next page of your life, but learning to take life at face value ultimately deems better results than constantly worrying over the future. The memories and the surprise is worth the ambiguity of life.

“My sophomore school year led me to many unexpected surprises, good and bad. I learned to simply embrace life as it comes and let myself grow as an individual,” Trudy Chang (10) said.

These array of songs highlight the myriad of emotions that school, friends, and memories can bring. Each year is unique and filled with something you can only experience once. Whether you learned to grow, made new memories, or simply just lived life as it is, the music perfectly captures these emotions and puts it to tune.

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About the Contributors
Stephanie Lyn
Stephanie Lyn, Open Canvas Manager
Stephanie Lyn (11) is a reporter for The Bulldog Times, and this is her 1st year on staff. Stephanie hopes to grow as a writer in the elements of journalism and gain new experience. She looks forward to seeing how Journalism grows as editors and new staff work together to write new articles and improve as a collective body. In addition to being a writer, she is also an officer of Christian Club. She is a Christian and puts her identity in Christ, reflecting His love towards others. In her free time, she loves creative writing, reading, and listening to music–particularly Taylor Swift, and hanging out with friends and family.
David Jung
David Jung, Staff Member
David Jung (10) is a writer for the Bulldog Times, and this is his 1st year on staff. David hopes to write articles for future members to read and for them to write stories that will surpass his own. He looks forward to seeing how the process will work out and seeing all members in action. He is also part of the Ayala Tennis team, being in J.V . In his free time, he enjoys playing video games, listening to music, making model kits, reading all kinds of books, eating many sweets, and taking good naps (if he can in the first place).
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