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Student News Site of Ruben S. Ayala High School

Bulldog Times

Bulldog Times

Student News Site of Ruben S. Ayala High School

Bulldog Times

Annika Lim

Annika Lim, Staff Writer

Annika Lim (9) is a staff writer and this is her first year with the Bulldog Times. Annika hopes to expand her writing skills and create fellowship with her other classmates. She looks forward to seeing all her friends working together and spreading the word more about BDT, further promoting the program. She hopes to achieve her writing dreams and developing her writing skills. Furthermore, she is the founder of the Korean Culture Club, a member of the Badminton club, and a member of Hope for Paws. In her free time she loves to play badminton, watch Disney movies, and play with her two dogs.

All content by Annika Lim
Kirra Allen (9) has always had the dream of writing her own novel and then publishing it out into the world. Now with this new opportunity ahead of her, she cannot wait to finish writing this book.

Bulldogs of Ayala: Kirra Allen

Annika Lim, Staff Writer
February 24, 2025
Caleb Seong, a dancer at GI (God's Image), created and released clothes to help support the organization with their upcoming mission trip to Korea over the summer.

Bulldogs of Ayala: Caleb Seong

Annika Lim, Staff Writer
February 19, 2025
Sean Lee (11) is the first ever Bulldog to make it into the California All- State Orchestra. All of his hard work and dedication towards the violin has paid off and vastly improved.

Bulldogs of Ayala: Sean Lee

Annika Lim, Staff Writer
January 14, 2025
Mr. Massoum a beloved math teacher around the Ayala campus has overflowing kindness that he wants to spread to everyone. He wants to show everyone how just a bit of kindness can go a long way.

Teachers of Ayala: Al Massoum

Annika Lim, Staff Writer
January 10, 2025
The harvest festival, open for anyone of all ages, is a great way to spend time with friends and family. But was this year's event a hit?

Harvest Festival: Is it still a hit?

Annika Lim, Staff Writer
November 8, 2024
This year's homecoming theme faced drama a couple weeks before with the sudden change from "A Night in Tokyo" to "Night in Mount Olympus." However, despite the sudden change, students who attended were able to have a good time.

[Photo] Night in Mount Olympus: Was it a hit?  

Madeline Khoo, Editor-In-Chief, News Editor
September 27, 2024
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