“The Batman”: not a Twilight sequel


Illustrated by Mateo Cole

Mateo Cole

Based on one of DC’s easily favorite characters, The Batman, released March 4, 2022, has done surprisingly well with critics and audiences alike, even impressing the hardcore comic fans.

Robert Pattinson played a very large role in the Twilight series, but when it was announced that he would be Batman, many people were very skeptical about his performance. Their confidence was shaken even further when he came out to the public complaining about being Batman and having to workout. Little did they know, they were in for a surprise.

“It really just felt good,” said freshman Jacob Facenda. “The script was just really made well and I like the aspect of Batman in the beginning stages of his career.”

Directed by Matt Reeves, famous for his work on the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes, the movie focuses its efforts on humanizing the comic book crusader. The lighting and cinematography match the tone of the character’s current emotions, providing a rough gritty feel to the movie that consistently looks incredible. Coupling the imagery with the stellar acting from every character, it easily creates memorable scenes. 

“I just feel he’s written more like ‘What am I doing wrong?” said senior Joseph Scott, “He [is known for] having a plan to kill any member of the Justice League at any point like he is just very cautious like that. He’s been through literally everything. But in the movie, I think it just made him more realistic [since] he doesn’t have that capability of just taking down people who are supposed to be invincible.”

The relationship between the alias of Batman and Bruce Wayne is explored in an interesting way. Due to Bruce Wayne’s dedication to being the Batman, there is little separation between hero and secret identity, as he is so consumed in creating fear and saving the city he slowly loses himself. What makes this so interesting is that in the film, they explore this idea further, showing how his actions have affected the city around him.

“Best part of the movie was going with the besties,” senor Isabella Moreno says. “The film could be for a family. As long as the kids are at least in middle school because of some language, violence, and suggestiveness.”

Batman in this movie is seen to be much more grounded than any other interpretation. He doesn’t have impossible gadgets, but instead uses his wit and skill to stop criminals. Reeves ties in the element of fear and uses it in clever ways so that in the first ten minutes, the viewer is almost immediately drawn in. This movie does an incredible job exploring the idea of the Batman while also telling an incredible detective story.

“Riddler was just really menacing,” said Facenda. The Riddler (portrayed by Paul Dano) is an incredible adversary to Batman and their relationship is greatly explored. Reeves has presented an amazing movie that can be enjoyed several times over, and don’t worry about the runtime. The movie is constantly thrilling and engaging, so much so viewers would want more content to the three hour movie. 

“I really enjoyed the movie. I probably will see it again,” said Scott.