Roses are fragile,
Just like my heart.
So please don’t break it,
Or rip it apart. Violets are lavender,
Just like a blackberry,
I never liked someone this much,
And it’s really scary.
Valentine’s day can be over-rated,
But, you make me motivated.
Like flowers, you made my mind bloom.
Sweet like treats.
For you, my heart beats.
Your smile is brighter than the moon.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I never celebrate anything,
But, this year, I’m celebrating you.
[Valentine’s Writing Comp ’24] Roses and Violets: A Modern Love Letter
Second place winner
March 7, 2024
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About the Contributors

Valentina Rodriguez, Staff Writer
Valentina Rodriguez (12) is a staff writer, and this is her 1st year with the Bulldog Times. She took part in one of the Open Canvas Competitions where she first heard and wanted to be a part of the Journalism class. She is also part of Ayala’s Mixed Choir, Ayala’s Advance Theater, and she’s a AVID Tutor Certified (2022-2023). In her free time, she enjoys video editing, writing songs, writing poems/stories, drawing, and spending time with family and friends. Valentina is looking forward to delving into the world of journalism through BDT, and working alongside the wonderful staff members and advisor.

Kaitlyn Angeles, Staff Member
Kaitlyn Angeles (9) is a reporter for The Bulldog Times, and this is her 1st year on staff. Kaitlyn is aiming to be closer with her peers and improve her social and writing skills. She would be happy to work with others and see what improvements she can make for future assignments. In addition to being a reporter, she is looking forward to joining the PUSO Club and Asian Club. In her free time, she just likes to hang out with friends, draw, play video games, listen to music, play with her dog, and space out. She really isn’t an outgoing person, but she is willing to work hard on whatever she can.