Good Friday gives another day off after spring break

Madeline Khoo

Following the long break, students looked forward to the extra day-off before preparing for the testing season.

Dallas Mangold

Returning from Spring Break has been tough on many students so far and many can’t wait for another break. On Friday April 7th, Good Friday has blessed us with a three-day weekend. Falling under the final days of Lent and Friday before Easter, Good Friday is a day of mourning under the Christian and Catholic religions. The unofficial holiday is recognized in schools and rarely do businesses acknowledge days off. The “holiday” is not as well known, but the importance, especially under the eyes of the church, is something not undermined. 

Good Friday, being a religious holiday, isn’t acknowledged by people who don’t understand religion, are not of the religion, or do not understand the importance of this day. According to Christian and Catholic websites/sources, Good Friday is the marking of the day Jesus Christ was tried and sentenced to crucifixion. On this day, devoted followers of Christianity would later die and be buried in a stone tomb. Now, Good Friday does not seem fitting for this type of event, but “good” in this sense is debated, since the old English meaning of “good” has changed. The new specification for Good Friday is that it is good, since this set God’s plan in motion for saving people from sin.

The day off for Good Friday is not an official holiday taken off as listed on the California website. 12 states recognize Good Friday as an actual holiday, while Kentucky recognizes it as a half-day, whilst Texas sees it as optional. Depending on the county and school district, schools can get the day off. In Ayala’s case, it is recognized under the Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) and practicing Catholics and Christians can celebrate without the worry of missing important days of school. 

Enjoying the three-day weekend is something all students look forward to, especially after just returning to school. However, for most, this time is important to acknowledge and mourn their savior’s death. With Easter a few days afterwards, many see this as important to take Good Friday as that very day of mourning and time off of work or school. Students take this three-day weekend as opportunity to go to the gym, do homework, play board games, or go out with friends, but the importance of it is to take some time out of the day to notice what Good Friday truly means.