Construction in the G building halts winter sports’ access to gym


Dallas Mangold

The G building has recently been put under construction as students return from winter break.

Dallas Mangold

While all students and staff were off enjoying winter break, a new construction project went into full gear, the construction of the gym. Fences line the outsides of the gym and parts of the blacktop near the science building, preventing students from entering the hallways, locker rooms, and even the student store within the G building. Offices within the building have been moved to the H portables once filled with storage items over the past few years.

Returning from winter break saw the once populous gym area turn into a fenced off construction zone. Students lost access to the very popular vending machines, student store, locker rooms, and all types of access into the gym area. This hampers not only the flow of student traffic, but sports and events as well. Locker rooms being closed have forced sports, such as football and water polo, to change either in bathrooms or outside. This proves to be difficult and sometimes odd to be piled in bathrooms, waiting for each other to change, and just changing out in public.

“It’s hard to get into the gym and with the blacktop not open we have to go all the way around and it takes so much more time to set stuff up,” Jeshua Hennerty (10) said. 

When asked about the construction of the gym, Mr. Warren Reed, the Athletic Director, spoke about his hopes and frustrations for the gym itself and the surrounding buildings. “Dates, times, and all coordination were all put through by the district, not us.”

Along with the renovation within the G building, Mr. Reed would also like to see some updated renovations within the actual gym, by adding some new aged technology. “Our score boards are so old, the suppliers can’t find parts to fix them,” said Mr. Reed.

Recently, Ayala hosted their “Winter Wonderland” rally outside for the first time since the COVID restrictions were lifted early last year. Students had learned to love the gym rallies more, as they kept students from the outside heat and the sound was way better inside the gym. Even though this past rally was not particularly enjoyed by students, it only confirmed that students do indeed enjoy indoor rallies. 

“I’ve personally never liked outside rallies. I feel like the energy isn’t as prominent,” math teacher and football coach, Mr. Randall Reams said.

Sports teams, who need the gym to workout and practice, are able to enter the main gym area; but not the spaces outside of it. Weight room, locker rooms, water fountains, and main hallway areas are all closed due to construction.

Wrestling, who just recently had a tournament at Ayala last weekend, could not roam outside of the main gym, due to the construction. Basketball also holds practices and games within the gym, blocking them off from the necessities needed in the halls. 

Even with all commotion, this hasn’t hindered the work of the Bulldogs. “We just had one of the largest girls wrestling tournaments in the state of California this last weekend, and it was a huge success,” said Mr. Reed. 

 The gym plays an important role in the functioning of the school, as it is the main spot for rallies, registration, and other school wide events. Opening is set for this upcoming summer, and hopefully in time for the next school year.